5.0 · 14 reviews
April 2024
Racing In Italys Formula 4 experience with Oren and his son Mei Italys #2 Formula driver was mind blowing. Mei also took my 14 year old daughter for a few laps in the 488 Ferrari. Once he calmed her down she was ready to go fast! 🙏
July 2023
This had been a life-long dream of mine. The instructors were so calm and so wonderful that I managed to achieve something that I never thought was possible. I would absolutely do it again.
June 2023
10 out of 10. Racing enthusiasts and casual fans alike will walk away from this experience with a whole new appreciation for these machines and memories to last a lifetime. Oren and Mei Shibi were both easy to work with and a joy to hang out with throughout the day. Oren provided excellent instruction and coaching while Mei captivated us with stories and videos of his racing experience and F3 races in between sessions. We couldn't have been happier with this experience.
Christo M
September 2022
It was a great experience in a Ferrari and a great day at the track. Ore is a fantastic copilot and the kids and we had fun. Worth it!
Anat A
October 2021
It was a great experience for my 18 years old, driving a Ferrari, then a Legend car and then the great Formula 4. Oren gave a good and interesting introduction on how to drive those cars on a racing track. Afterwards, he drove with him to make sure he is doing it right and then driving 10 tracks on the Formula 4 car. It's a very unique experience for who ever likes racing cars. Oren and Mei were there, all the time, paying attention to all the details so this experience can be safe and enjoyable
October 2021
A great experience. We (my son and me) got to drive a Ferrari (just the sound of its motor was an amazing thrill), to learn about race driving (some theory), and to race-drive a legendary car and a Formula 4.
August 2021
great experience. recommended for anyone. for both people looking to have and if you looking to seriously pursue this activity
August 2021
Best experience we did in Italy! Real Italian experience with the best host possible. We did both the Formula Course & laps in the Ferrari. The extra money for the Formula course is definitely worth it. Thanks Oren, we will never forget! Cheers, Jonathan
November 2019
I chose the Formula Racing course as a surprise gift for my husband. It was a great experience - also for me to watch :) Totally worth it!
Tamir M
August 2019
I've booked the mini-course on a very short notice because I've been struggling to decide whether taking the mini-course or just the test drive.. Oren did a very appreciated effort and managed to book me on a very specific hour which suits my schedule and on a very short notice (!!). I highly recommend to go for the mini-course, the legend and the formula are absolutely beasts! Oren thanks again for once in a life time experience!! I'll come back for sure...
June 2019
Both experiences were great! the track is technical & oren does a great job in explaining the techniques of both driving and handling the cars - fits for everyone - my wife did the formula racing course :)
Wesley H
June 2019
Had a fantastic time driving the 458, Legend and Formula BMW around a tight technical track. Oren was very patient and encouraging, and can quickly help a beginner become proficient enough to have a great time around the track. Would highly recommend the Formula course, as it is an unreal experience!
June 2019
I cannot really say enough about how much I enjoyed my visit to Racing in Italy. The track is very technical and has all kinds if bends and corners. The experience driving the Ferrari was thrilling and the Formula BMW was an adventure. Oren made you feel very welcome and he his people were awesome and very helpful. I would recommend this place to anyone!
September 2023
Ich hatte das Vergnügen, einen Track Day bei "Racing in Italy" zu erleben, und es war nichts weniger als sensationell. Vom ersten Augenblick an fühlte ich mich in professionellen Händen. Oren, der Betreuer und Chef, hat nicht nur mit seiner umfangreichen Kenntnis der Rennstrecke und der Technik beeindruckt, sondern war auch in jeder Hinsicht sein hingabe zu diesem außergewöhnlichen Sport zu spüren. Sein Sohn, ein erfahrener Formel 3-Pilot, war ebenfalls vor Ort und teilte großzügig sein Insider-Wissen. Seine praxisorientierten Tipps haben meine Fahrfähigkeiten spürbar verbessert und das Erlebnis unvergesslich gemacht. Die Kombination aus hervorragender Betreuung, erstklassigen Fahrzeugen und der Möglichkeit, von echten Profis zu lernen, macht "Racing in Italy" zu einer Erfahrung, die ich jedem Motorsport-Enthusiasten wärmstens empfehlen kann.
December 2019
Ehdottomasti 6/5! Aluksi käytiin läpi teoriaa joka oli todella hyödyllistä, jonka jälkeen ajettiin rata pariin kertaan pakun kyydissä ja opeteltiin miten mutkat kuuluu ajaa oikein. Tämän jälkeen ajettiin Ferrarille 3 kierrosta mikä meni todella nopeasti ja takasuoralla pääsi painamaan kaasua niin, että meinas oikein lähtee lapsesta. Sitten ajeltiin legenda autolla 5 kierrosta, jonka jälkeen käytiin läpi virheet ja sitten 5 kierrosta perään samalla. Tämä oli todella hyödyllistä sillä Formula autolla on oikeasti todella vaikea ajaa. Legenda auto valmistaa hyvin sillä ajemiseen, kun ei formalalla tarvitse sitten enää miettiä vaihteita ja ajolinjoja niin paljon vaan voi kestittyä nauttimaan kyydistä ja keskittyä kaasun painamiseen. Kaasu formulassa onkin sitten todella vaikea. Sitä pitää painaa pehmeästi. Koitin kiihdyttää liian lujaa yhdessä ulostulossa ja sehän sitten pyörähti. Ei siinä mitään. Hiekalta ei päässyt pois ja mönkijä tuli vetämään takaisin radalle. Tähän kuitenkin tuhlaantui vähän aikaa ja kun joku muukin töppäsi ajokkinsa hiekalle niin eka sessio jäi osaltani käytännössä muutamaan kierrokseen. Onneksi otin pidemmän session (20 kierrosta formulan ratissa). Tokalla sessiolla alkoi sitten päästä tuntumaan ja sain ajella reilun 10 kierrosta. Vauhti tuntuu todella hurjalta takasuoralla pääsee 140km-190km/h riippuen kuskista. Opetus oli 6/5. Opetus meni turvallisuus edellä. Ei oletettu, että rikkoitaisiin heti rata ennätyksiä vaan keskityttiin koko ajan parantamaan omaa ajoa. Jos tämän jälkeen ei kartingissa kaverit jää niin jo on kumma!

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