3.9 · 7 reviews
July 2022
We enjoyed the three days in the jungle very much. We had a nice group (7-9 people) and our guide bryan was amazing. He showed us a lot of animals that were difficult to find. We stayed the two nights in a pretty little house with a private bathroom. The transport from and to the airport was great.
March 2020
(I am giving a 2 star instead of 1 star review because we did have one great tour guide and for the sweet kitchen staff.) The low review is for our first tour guide. Once we got to the lodge (off of our plane and the boat), our guide gave us 10 minutes to prepare for our first activity. I asked him what would be appropriate to wear, and he stated "wear swimsuit and sandals". I secondly showed him my rubber sandals and he said yes those will work great. We got into kayaks, so far so good. Then we docked on to Monkey Island. The whole party upon climbing out immediately sank deep into mud. Me, being in rubber sandals, completely lost my shoes. Once I pulled them out, I had to climb barefoot on the hill alone. My shoes were partly broken and completely slippery. The tour guide did nothing to help. Thankfully the boat driver saw and grabbed a water pail to wash my shoes off to try to help. Very sweet, but when we started walking again, my shoes again became covered in mud and slipped off my feet, it was absolutely impossible to walk or even stand. Meanwhile, the tour guide completely left me. I was alone slipping and falling in the Amazon jungle. In a swimsuit. We were hiking IN THE JUNGLE!! I was not told we would be doing this. The tour guide telling me to wear swimsuit and sandals to go mud hiking in the jungle was completely insane and put me in great danger. He also didn't help me at all when I was in distress, and left me. I had a panic attack, could barely breathe. Thankfully my friends in the group doubled back to find me stuck and struggling. I fell and had grabbed a tree of thorns. Now I have a strange Peruvian plant infecting my hand. My friend had to carry me part of the way with whatever strength she had. We caught up to the tour guide and he laughed. He laughed! At how much I was struggling and it was all due to his "guidance". As a tour guide you have to prepare your tourists for the day. This includes giving them details on the activity and what would be appropriate to wear. I got several infections, rashes, cuts, and a panic attack due to this tour guide. And he did not try to ameliorate the situation whatsoever, found it more comical than anything. Absolutely horrible experience, and ruined the rest of the stay for me, even though our second tour guide, Franklin, was superb. The kitchen staff was also extremely polite and sweet. The woman working in the kitchen saw my infected hand from the hike and tended to my wound herself. (The awful tour guide who caused this did nothing to ask how I was or look at my wounds.) The great tour guide, Franklin, on our last day also looked at my wounds and was asking questions to find out what poisonous tree I had grabbed, to try to help. Again, I feel sad that I have to give a poor review with these other great people working there, but our first tour guide was truly terrible. I have never written a review for anything on Tripadvisor but want to let people know of the dangers of ignorant guides especially in the dangerous Amazon. I unfortunately did not catch his name and he left the next day. All I know is that he from Peru and was 25 years old. I found a photo of him from my photos and am attaching it to this review. I wish this business would take care of their guests better. I was put in a very dangerous situation and now have to seek medical attention for my guide's ignorance. I was also extremely embarrassed, and he pushed more embarrassment on me by not assisting me in addition to treating my experience like it was a joke. "Don't wear sandals for this next hike HAHA." Well sir you told me to wear swimsuit and sandals and caused that whole debacle. Made me feel like an idiot. I was going to wear full oh hiking gear but he told me to change into swimsuit and sandals. Awful. I recommend go to a nicer eco-lodge even if it is a bit more expensive, at least you will be safe. I wish I never went. Don't ruin your Peru vacation by going here.
November 2019
Tour guide was exceptional, the accomodation was lovely. We will be recommending this tour to anyone interested in a short trip to the amazon!
September 2023
Abbiamo visitato laghi, giungla e conosciuto abitanti del luogo. Mangiato cibi locali davvero squisiti. Consigliatissimo
November 2022
Grosse publicité alors que la réalité est toute autre : - île aux singes : aucun singe - plusieurs groupes avant nous ont dit n’avoir vu aucun singe - d’ailleurs sur l’île aucun cri de singe - bateau de nuit pour voir les Caïmans : un tout petit de 20 cm aperçu et pour nous conforter on nous a emmené voir des capybara - promenade sur le lac Sandoval : quelques loutres vues, pas de singes ni Caïmans, quelques envolées d’aras mais la balade était plaisante et reposante - le 3eme jour on vous fait lever à 3 h 30 pour aller voir les grands Arras colorés lecher l’argile (photos sur Viator) or dans la réalité ce sont des petits Loris difficilement visibles qui volent au dessus des arbres et viennent ensuite lecher l’argile : vu le positionnement du bateau on ne voyait rien - d’ailleurs tout le monde s’en fichait - le lodge : pas trop mal mais pas de ventilo, électricité 2 h le soir, piscine à sec - repas corrects et personnel serviable - beaucoup mais beaucoup trop de temps morts : après chaque activité au moins 3 ou 4 h a attendre l’heure du déjeuner ou du dîner avec Rien à faire, si ce n’est attendre dans le lodge ou la chaleur est suffocante J’ai été extrêmement déçue de cette expérience dans la jungle : peu d’animaux, activités pour tourisme de masse inexpert, guide pas professionnel et peu emballé qui cherche à bâcler les activités - nous nous sommes beaucoup ennuyés.
February 2020
Die Tage im Amazonas waren eine mega coole Erfahrung! Die Ausflüge, welche wir gemacht haben waren immer eine schöne Erfahrung und der Guide hat sich immer sehr viel Mühe gegeben uns so viele Tiere wie möglich zu zeigen, sodass wir viel von der Fauna des Amazonas zu Gesicht bekommen. Unsere Tour wurde auch dem Wetter entsprechend angepasst, damit wir möglichst viel aus der Situation herausbekommen würden. Was uns ein bisschen enttäuschte waren die Bilder und die letztendlich ausgeführten Aktivitäten. Man sieht auf den Bildern z.B Menschen auf denen die kleinen Affen herumklettern. Letztendlich war auf der Insel aber kein Affe zu finden, da sie in der Regenzeit alleine genug Futter auf der Insel finden und auf uns Touristen nicht angewiesen sind und sich dadurch auch nicht zeigen. Das andere waren die Lehmwände an denen sich die Aras tummeln, um den besagten Lehm mit seinen Inhaltsstoffen zu essen. Erst als wir früh morgens an der Lehmwand ankamen, sagte uns der Guide, dass man die großen roten und blauen Aras hier garnicht sehen könnte, da diese eine größere Wand bräuchten, welche 5 Stunden weiter flussaufwärts läge. Die Bilder und Texten zeigten da jedoch ein anderes Bild. Trotzdem eine schöne Tour und eine gute Möglichkeit einen kleinen Einblick in die Wunderwelt des Amazonas zu bekommen.
January 2020
Die Unterkunft war wie zu erwarten, schlicht eingerichtet und Regenwaldstandard. Negativ war, dass, das Zimmer nicht gereinigt wurde, erst am Tag der Abreise wurde diesbezüglich nachgefragt.. Teils war das Essen mit sehr viel Koriander versehen, welches uns nicht so gut bekommen ist. :D Zwischen den einzelnen Touren oder nach dem Essen gab es teils sehr lange Ruhezeiten, welche etwas unnötig waren, da man auf eigene Faust nicht viel machen konnte. Alles im allen eine super Tour und Ronald ist ein super Guide, der keine Wünsche / Anliegen offen lies :). Top!!

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