5.0 · 9 reviews
March 2024
I had been recommended Climbing South America and was really glad I chose them for Huyani Potosi. I am an absolute novice when it comes to ice climbing etc and they were really supportive whilst also pushing me on the treks. I wanted to ensure that I used a company that would provide the highest levels of care and attention. All our team summited on the day and I have no doubt it was down to the team in place from Climbing South America. The preparation they provided ensured we were ready for what is a very challenging trek. From the food, the information and the attitude of the guys that keeps everyone's spirits high. Thanks to everyone particularly Andreas who got us up to the top of the mountain.
January 2020
Can not recommend these guys enough!! On the day we summited Huyana Potosi only 6/17 people managed to summit, going with and organised, reputable company really helped here. They organised the trekking to give us as much time to acclimatise as possible. Our guide Silverio was very knowledgeable, professional and hilarious. The gear was a little worn but great quality. And the accommodation was comfy and cosy. For something like mountaineering paying a little bit extra was very worth it, if you want to summit go with Climbing South America
September 2019
I initially booked a 3 day Huayna Potosi hike with Climbing South America. The reason I picked them was how responsive to my WhatsApp messages and how professional and knowledgeable they were. During my trip, my guides were very professional and attentive, the equipment they provided was good. I am grateful that they made my Huayna Potosi dream came true. After my satisfaction level, I also booked a 3 day Uyuni trip with them. Again the same experience. Excellent service! I already referred them to a friend and I would refer them to anybody! Thank you guys. You made my Bolivia experience that much better and I really appreciate it! John
Richard M
August 2019
I found Huayana Potosi very challenging but definitely worth it. I know it's described as a beginner mountain and the "the easiest 6000 metre peak in the world" but it will push you hard. Climbing South America was excellent. Ana and Giselle were very helpful, provided me with good gear,advice and an excellent English speaking guide - Alex. Alex is a first class guide and just the person I needed to help me get to the top.
August 2019
We did the 3 day 2 night climb of Potosi...it did not disappoint! We went through Climbing South America and our guide was Silverio, he was an absolute legend!! He made the 3 days so easy and enjoyable, always cracking jokes and making sure we were going ok. Food was great the whole trip (and there was heaps of it!), always coca tea on hand too which is nice at the altitude. Everything was included in our trip, some other companies did not include entry or food extras like Climbing South America do. We wouldn’t have climbed with anyone else!!
April 2019
I did the long hike up to Huayma Potosi with JIWAKI tour company in La Paz and really enjoyed it. They had an ample supply of gear, and great, safe, an informed guides. It was a very difficult hike for me, but well worth the effort. Great experience all around.
December 2021
Ich bin zu dieser Agentur gekommen, weil ich mit anderen Agenturen in der Sagarnaga schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht habe, nicht alle Bergtouren werden mit kompetenten Bergführern durchgeführt, was gefährlich sein kann. Also habe ich ein bisschen mehr Geld ausgegeben, um den Huayna Potosi mit Profis zu besteigen. Die Abwicklung in der Agentur war von Anfang an sehr professionell und zuvorkommend. Der Preis beinhaltete das Equipment, das teilweise schon etwas älter war, aber seine Aufgabe gut erfüllt hat. Mein Guide, Eulegio, ist lustig, nett und sehr erfahren und hat den Berg schon hunderte Male bestiegen, ich habe mich immer sicher mit ihm gefühlt. Außerdem spricht er Englisch (und sogar ein paar Brocken Deutsch!), was hilfreich war, wenn mein Spanisch nicht ausreichend war. Das Essen auf der Wanderung war hervorragend und die Unterkünfte waren simpel, aber gemütlich. Wichtig: Diese Tour ist nichts für völlige Anfänger, die gerade erst in La Paz angekommen sind. Körperliche Fitness, Akklimatisation an die Höhe und eventuell ein paar Wanderungen in niedriger Höhe zur Eingewöhnung sind sehr zu empfehlen. Diese Tour bringt einen an die Grenzen und es ist nicht garantiert, dass man beim ersten Versuch einen 6000er zu besteigen, erfolgreich ist - niemand kann vorhersagen wie der Körper in dieser Höhe reagiert. Ich empfehle diese Agentur jedem, der dieses Abenteuer wagen möchte. Viel Spaß!
August 2021
Gostaria de agradecer imensamente a Ana Janett Paricollo sua acolhida e recepção foram fundamentais em nossa viagem, recomendo muito esta agência, não é a maior, mas é onde tem o maior coração tanto Ana quanto os guias e a cozinheira que nos acompanharam ao acampamento base do Huayna Potosi foram excelentes conosco! nos passando todas as informações necessárias e nos tranquilizando, com certeza vamos voltar. Obrigado a todos da Climbing South América.
April 2019
Fizemos o passeio ao huayna Potosí de três dias com a empresa all transport tours. No primeiro dia, você toma café da manhã em um Restaurante conveniado da empresa, experimenta as roupas e logo parte para a Van rumo a montanha. Logo ao chegar no local (base camp), os guias já preparam o almoço. Após o almoço começa a aventura de usar os equipamentos de escalada na montanha,como os grampons, perneira, piolet e capacete. Nesse primeiro dia eles ensinam como os equipamentos são usados e a importancia de usamos da forma correta. No segundo dia, você faz a sua mala com o que é necessário subir para o Campo Alto (que é a base para subir ao cume) e sobe com ela nas costas. O que inclui, saco de dormir, roupas, água, equipamentos de escalada, etc. Nesse dia, apos a subida até o campo alto e o almoço, os guias já explicam como será o planejamento da subida (horários, o que levar, o que pode fazer, o que não pode fazer, etc) O terceiro dia começa às 00:00, o horário que vc acorda, toma um café da manhã e parte ao ataque ao cume as 01:00. Em bom ritmo as 06:00 você estará vendo. O nascer do sol e já inicia a descida ao Campo alto. Após um tempo de descanso inicia-se a descida até o base camp. Dica: é necessário estar aclimantado a alta altitude, senão você sofrerá para subir a montanha e não há remédio que faça essas dores passarem. Dica 2: ouça seu corpo, você tem a ida e a volta, poupe energia. Dica 3: caso tenha dificuldades em carregar muito peso, é possível pagar o guia para ele carregar sua mala, um valor para subir + outro valor para descer. Converse com seu guia. Dica4: a comida não é igual de restaurante. Caso você não tenha se acostumado com o tempero boliviano, leve algo do seu gosto. Dica 5: leve coisas que te protejam do frio, faz muito muito muito frio
November 2018
Ich habe meinen ersten 6000er bestiegen - ein erhebendes Gefühl! Der Huayna Potosi ist ohne Bergsteiger-Erfahrung machbar, allerdings ist die Anstrengung in der Höhe und der Aufstieg über den Gletscher nicht zu unterschätzen. Eine ausreichende Akklimatisierung, sehr gute körperliche Fitness und mentale Stärke sind Voraussetzung für die Gipfelerfahrung. Ich habe die 3-Tages-Tour mit dem Guide German Fernandez Leon gemacht und war rundum zufrieden. Die Hütten im Basis- und im Höhenlager waren ausreichend ausgestattet, die Verpflegung war reichlich. German hat ein sehr ausgeglichenes Gemüt und passte daher gut zu mir. Beim Aufstieg passte er sich meinem Tempo an und so erreichten wir den Gipfel, erschöpft aber glücklich!

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